Framework For Energy Efficiency Economic Development (FEEED)

BEE has taken up several initiatives to strengthen the market for energy efficiency including innovative mechanisms to scale up financing of energy efficiency projects in India. Under the initiative of the Framework for Energy Efficient Economic Development (FEEED), BEE has created financial instruments to help financial institutions in active engagement with industries, large commercial establishments, and project implementation agencies and provide funds for energy efficiency projects across the country.


To build the market for energy efficiency it is imperative to ease the financing of energy efficiency projects through different fiscal instruments. FEEED is designed for the development of fiscal instruments to promote energy efficiency in the country.

2. Status & Achievements

 The existing Programmes under FEEED are as follows:

- Partial Risk Sharing Facility

Partial Risk Sharing Facility (PRSF) aims to provide partial credit guarantees to cover a share of the default risk that participating financial institutions face in extending loans to eligible Energy Efficiency sub-projects. World Bank is Implementing Agency for this programme, which is funded by the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) and Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is co-chairing the Advisory Committee of PRSF and provides policy guidance to this programme for supporting the financing of energy efficiency projects. SIDBI is the Project Executing Agency for this programme. Each energy saving loans given by Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) is partially guaranteed for a maximum tenure of 5 years with guarantee coverage ranging from 40-75% of the loan amount or Rs. 15 crore per project. Till date there are 15 banks/ NBFCs who are already empanelled with SIDBI for PRSF. Under PRSF 79 energy efficiency projects of USD 131.93 million (INR 85,771 Lakh) are being supported with a total guarantee coverage of USD 58.24 Mn (INR 51,044 Lakh). For more information regarding this scheme please check their website 

- Energy Efficiency Financing Facility (EEFF)

BEE has proposed a dedicated financing facility anchored by PFC and IREDA for taking care of financing requirements of large industries, project aggregation approach covering MSME clusters/ ESCO projects, re-financing to Banks who have lent for Energy Efficiency projects, upcoming energy efficiency areas such as smart grids, electric vehicles, and charging infrastructure.

BEE's Facilitation Centre for BEE’s financing schemes

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has set-up a Facilitation Centre for encouraging and up scaling Energy Efficiency Financing in the country. The objective of the Facilitation Centre is as follows:

  • To develop an online platform for connecting FIs with potential borrowers to mobilize energy efficiency financing;
  • To collect the willingness forms and spread awareness of BEE’s financing schemes among various beneficiaries like large industries /DCs under the Perform, Achieve and Trade scheme of BEE, MSMEs, commercial and institutional buildings, Municipalities, Corporations, and commercial establishments; and,
  • To prepare the list of energy efficiency technologies that will be uploaded on new IT platform and BEE’s website.

Achievements of BEE's Facilitation Centre:

Till date (March 2024) following achievements are made under BEE’s Facilitation Centre:

  • More than 320 Willingness Forms received with project cost of more than 4307.84 crores.
  • More than 193 technical evaluation reports have been prepared and submitted to FIs for financing.  
  • BEE’s Facilitation Centre has provided support in financing of 14 projects having total loan amount of more than Rs. 1449 crore.
  • Till date 28 Banks/NBFCs/ Public Financial Institutions are registered with BEE’s Facilitation Centre.
  • BEE's Facilitation Centre IT portal was launched on 28th November 2022.
  • 18 Workshops have been organized with the support of SDAs and Technology Suppliers which witnessed more than 1900 Participants from Large Industries, MSMEs, OEMS, ESCOs, Accredited Energy Auditors, BEE’s certified energy managers/ auditors and financial institutions. 

Stakeholders interested in seeking financing for implementing energy efficiency measures are requested to fill up willingness form and technical details form for submission to the BEE’s Facilitation Centre at

  1. Concept note on Facilitation Centre
  2. Willingness Form
  3. Technical Details Form
  4. BEE’s List of Energy Efficient Technologies for Financing

3.Target Beneficiaries

  1. Large industries, MSMEs, OEMs, ESCOs, buildings, municipalities
  2. Financial institutions (Banks & NBFCs)


  1. Power Finance Corporation (PFC)
  2. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA)
  3. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
  4. State Designated Agencies

5.Website/Other information useful Links (if any)

BEE's Website: 


6.Contact details of PO /email

1. Mr. Sunil Kumar Verma

( Director, BEE)


2. Mr. P Shyam Sunder

(Joint Director, BEE)
